The 1965 Julie Andrews film The Sound of Music has become such an icon of American culture, it can't help but be parodied. Quite often. One popular theme is to reset this sweet movie as a horror film. We've been featuring several of these "trailers" on our Facebook page throughout the week, and here's a culmination of the best ones we've found. Which is your favorite?
"The Sound of Music (Horror Trailer)" by MNMantylaVideo
This trailer is part The Sound of Music, part The Turn of the Screw. "You are the twelfth in a long line of governesses....the last one, she stayed only two hours."
"The Sound of Music Recut Trailer - Horror" by chuck13171
I rather like the pacing of the soundtrack and the editing in this particular trailer. "Mother, would it help if we sang about our favorite things?" "No, darling, this is one time it would NOT help."
This one focuses on Captain von Trapp. Should it be The Sound of Murder instead?
Just when they thought it was safe...
"Sound Of Music Recut Trailer (HORROR)" by Hannah OneTwoNine
Everyone loves Maria...almost everyone...
"The Sound Of Music RECUT" by BoundlessProductions
And finally, remember how Maria mentions "perhaps I had a wicked childhood"?...
Remember, you can see the not-so-horror-filled stage version of The Sound of Music in August 2014, when Central City Opera performs the show at the Ellie Caulkins Opera House in the Denver Performing Arts Complex.