
Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Seven Deadly Sins Meets Facebook

A friend of mine posted the following warning on Facebook today:

Attention! How to spot virus links on Facebook: Hackers are smart, they know what type of posts will get people to click. Think of the seven deadly sins - Envy and Pride (OMG SEE WHO VIEWED YOUR PROFILE), Wrath (OSAMA DEATH PHOTOS), Lust (PORNISH PHOTOS), Greed (FREE IPAD!), Laziness (PEOPLE NOT THINKING BEFORE THEY CLICK!).
If you want to experience the seven deadly sins IN PERSON, call the Central City Opera Box Office at 303-292-6700 and indulge in an evening of sin for just $50! Get in touch with your inner sinner on July 16th and 24th during SinFest, a progressively sinful experience. See the one-hour Kurt Weill opera The Seven Deadly Sins, followed by edgy dance, experiential art, gluttony at our very own Lucifer’s Lair Bar, and much more.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for the information. I will be aware of this from now on. Thank you for posting and for the tips too.
