
Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Lou Bunch Day

Lou Bunch Day 2010 dawned bright and early, with people lining the street to watch the dancers and entertainment before the parade began.

It was so exciting to see so many people in normally quiet Central City. It made for some awesome people watching, as everyone was dressed in their Lou Bunch best.

While Central City Opera wasn't able to participate with a bed race team this year, a bunch of interns and a friend or two wandered down to watch the famous races and see what it was all about.

Thanks to Shannon O'Connor Kenney for this lovely photo. From left, Nancy McDonald (Events), Krissy Zic (a lovely visitor), Nick Menge (Props), Jackie Grigg (Assistant House Manager), Me (Public Relations), & Mollie Albert (Stage Management PA).

We weren't disappointed - the bed race was crazy!

Everyone was dressed up and super excited to be racing.

In the end, Doc Holliday was triumphant!

What a crazy day!! Lou Bunch Day certainly was an experience!


  1. So what the heck IS Lou Bunch Day?

  2. Nancy, that's a good question! Here's a link about if from last year's Lou Bunch Day, explaining a little about the famous Madam...though you'll find some different accounts different places on the internet.
